Sunday, April 6, 2014

Les Mills Combat

After completing the Les Mills Combat program from Beachbody, I feel compelled to share it with others. This workout was TOUGH, but transformed my body (my shoulders, arms, and abs in particular).

Some background...
While G was deployed, I worked nearly 60 hours a week, so I did not have the time to go to the gym. As I waited for surgery, my knee felt progressively worse each day so I could not run with M in the stroller, bike, or use an elliptical. I searched for programs that incorporated upper body moves for cardio and had low-impact modifications. A friend told me about Les Mills Combat so I decided to give it a try.

I enlisted the help of a girlfriend who came over EVERY night after M went to bed so that we could keep each other motivated and accountable.

This was day 1:

 I still fit into my normal clothes, but noticed an extra layer of "fluff" creeping up around my waist. My normally toned body began to soften and I struggled to find ways to burn extra calories.

So, for 60 days we punched and kicked our ways through the high intensity interval workouts. The videos ranged from 30 - 60 minutes. One thing that I loved was that most videos were only 30 or 45 minutes (with warm up and stretch), so I had a high intensity workout that showed results without sacrificing hours I did not have each day.

The first few days I thought we were going to pass out or vomit. The workouts were TOUGH! I woke up with sore muscles and many times thought about quitting. Thank goodness for my friend who would still show up and make me complete another workout!

I could not bounce, jump, or kick my left leg, so I incorporated stepping (instead of jumping), slower lunges (instead of jumping lunges), and knee lifts (instead of kicks). Because of those modifications, I know I did not burn as many calories, but I was thankful to find a fitness program that made me sweat without causing additional knee pain.

After 60 days I saw noticeable results. I lost 4 lbs, 2% body fat, 5.5 inches (chest, waist, hips, and thigh). Even better than the numbers was the way I FELT after the workouts. I felt energized, confident, and strong.

I cannot say enough about this system (and no I am not a Beachbody distributor)! Now that my knee is healing and I have been cleared for plyometrics I see Les Mills Combat Round 2 in my future!

This is the best comparison I have. The change seen in my arms, shoulders, abs, and legs is the most apparent. This is after 60 days without changing any of my eating habits.

More about the program directly from the Beachbody website.

The secret is Fast Twitch Integration Training. LES MILLS COMBAT blasts your fast twitch muscle fibers—the ones with the greatest capacity for change—by taking the most dynamic moves from 6 unique mixed martial arts disciplines and combining them in increasingly intense sequences.
Burn up to 1,000 calories per hour.
You'll be doing Karate/Kung Fu, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do and Boxing—all in a single workout—and burning up to 1,000 calories per hour!

Monday, March 31, 2014

New Knee...Let's Keep Moving

I have always lived an active life. In school, every day was filled with practice, meets/games, or playing with my friends. My main loves were track and field and competitive cheer/dance. I enjoyed feeling the way my muscles ached after a long practice. I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment when I mastered a new skill or met a new Personal Record. I lived for the sound of the cheers when I crossed the finish line or my squad hit that final pose. I never imagined my life without athletics and fitness.

In college and beyond, I spent countless hours running and lifting weights at the gym. On a few occasions I decided to train for a race, but was always forced to drop out due to knee pain. After multiple trips to doctors, I was diagnosed with patella tendonitis and told to wear a band under my knee.

So I listened, and kept moving.

While pregnant with M, I maintained my active lifestyle. Every day after work, G and I went straight to the gym. At first I could use the elliptical and stair machine, but with time I had to move down to the treadmill and then just brisk walks outside. Although I felt tired every day, I loved the extra energy boost I received from my evening workouts!

Post baby, my body shape had changed, but I was able to regain muscle tone and energy from a variety of workouts (P90x, running, and lifting weights). Will my body ever look the same? No. However, I embraced the changes that a baby (and turning 30) caused on my body.

When we moved to Savannah in March 2012, I felt lost. I missed my friends and family, struggled to understand the culture of my new job, and spent too much time sitting around and not enough time up and moving. To cure boredom and loneliness, I joined the marathon team at the high school and quickly grew to love distance running.

And then, half-way through a 10 mile run, my knee decided to remind me that it was there.

After good doses of RICE and extra time off from running, I began Physical Therapy and campaigned for an MRI. The verdict?

A torn meniscus.

Ahh, that's where all the pain was coming from!

With G about to deploy, I had to postpone surgery, but resolved to continue PT and to find modified workouts to maintain some level of health.

What a challenge.

Running, the elliptical, and walking stairs caused daily pain. With G gone, and with a full-time job, I rarely found time to go to the gym. I tried out different workout videos until I found Les Mills Combat (by BeachBody). I will write another blog specifically about my results, but I can say that even with my restrictions I saw dramatic changes in my arms, back, and abs. I felt STRONG again.

G came home at the end of August 2013, and I was in surgery on October 2013.

Now, let me preface this with the statement that I have a strong pain tolerance. Even so, recovery was terrible. Not bad. TERRIBLE.

I had to leave my job due to the intensive nature of my clients so my days were filled with time on the couch and the small amount of paperwork I could do from home. The pain during the first two weeks was nearly unbearable. However, when I took the medication I felt worse so the pain seemed like the better option.

Then, after a few weeks, I weened myself off of all medication, felt more "myself", and had a clear mind. Unfortunately, my knee was a bit late to the party. I was cleared to drive at 8 1/2 weeks. I was on crutches for longer than 11 weeks. I was not cleared to attempt running until nearly 21 weeks.

I watched that hard-earned muscle melt and met physical limitations at every turn. I started to eat fattening foods, dread my modified workouts, and dream of "quick fixes" and "magic pills."

And then I woke up and realized that I needed to do something else.

I am now beginning a new journey in my life. I have no guarantee that my knee will allow me to go back to the heavy work-outs I once loved, so a lifestyle change is in order.

With that, I embrace the opportunity to try to workout plans, look to new ways to nourish my body, and the hope that those closest to me will rise to the challenge as well!

Here's to a new me....healthy and happy!

I'm back....!

Okay, okay....It has been awhile. And with life as busy as ever, it will take a lot of "oomph" to get back into blogging.

But I have a resolve.

The past year and a half has been a bit crazy.

In December 2012, G deployed for a 9-month tour to Afghanistan. As the days went by, I stayed busy with work, M, and supporting my friends. M grew by leaps and bounds. He began walking (and then running!), talking, exploring, and playing. Through emails, texts, and Skype, we made it work and I was blessed to welcome G home in late August 2013.

Almost immediately after his return, G took over as the "man in charge" when I had my meniscus repaired in October 2013. I have never had surgery (or a broken bone...or stitches), so knee surgery was very scary for me. However, with the love and support of my family and friends, I made it though the long days filled with physical therapy and daily exercises.

Now...I'm back!

As I look back over the challenges from the past year and a half, I realize how blessed I am. I have a beautiful family. I have my health. I have friends who became family. Above all else? I have faith.

So, here's to you, 2014 and the new challenges, blessings, and surprises you will bring!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Solid Foods...a new adventure!

We were given the "all clear" to start solid foods from the doctors, so our "real food" experiment has begun!

First, we started with the regular rice cereal with formula. Marek seemed interested in eating with a spoon, but did not seem to like the taste. In true Swanson fashion, however, he would NEVER turn down an opportunity to eat!

After a few failed attempts at rice cereal, he started to get the hang of moving his tongue and swallowing.

Marek also realized that eating solid foods is  hard work!

 After a chance appointment with his new pediatrician, we were given a push to attempt new foods.

Well, sweet potatoes won out! Marek made a huge mess, but seemed to like the new texture and taste. Our little "peanut" may not stay little with all these exciting new things to eat!

Flight School Graduation

Our Flight School experience came to an end on February 22nd. After nearly two years at Fort Rucker, we were able to see Gregg graduate, say goodbye to friends, and pack up for Savannah.

The week was very hectic! Tuesday we had family day and then a Flight School cocktail. For family day, we were able to go to the stage field and watch some Kiowas fly. Then, we went to another location to watch a movie showcasing the Kiowa and spent some time at a static display with a Kiowa and an Apache.

Marek was super sleepy (and unsure of all the commotion) but as the day went on, he had the chance to actually sit in the cockpit!

We rushed home and got ready for the cocktail. While Marek spent some time with Aunt Theresa and Uncle Justin, we spent the evening with friends. I received my "grad-u-mate" diploma for all the craziness and studying I endured during Flight School. I also received my own wings (a gorgeous necklace!). As the night wound down, we said our goodbyes, picked up our little Peanut, and headed home.

Graduation was Wednesday the 22nd. Gregg had to leave early to get situated. Marek and I followed behind. The graduation was HUGE, but we had a chance to watch many friends graduate. Finally, the final row was called, and I was able to come up and pin Gregg's wings. Gregg did such an amazing job! We could not be more proud of his hard work and accomplishments!

Onward to Savannah!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kidney Follow-Up - January 23, 2012

It has taken me a little while to update as life has begun to fly by. I am still working full-time, Gregg is still training, and we are preparing for a move at the end of February.

But...I know I need to update our family and friends! Forgive me all, this update is a little late, but luckily it contains some good news!

On January 23, 2012 we were back up to the Children's Hospital for Marek's kidney follow-up. A lot of praying (and a few tears) led up to our trip and as we woke up that morning we were hopeful but guarded.

The drive went by quickly and we had good weather as we traveled the 3 or so hours up to Birmingham. We pulled into the ever familiar parking garage and quickly whisked Marek out of the cold and into the hospital.

I can honestly say the Children's Hospital is filled with a great staff that always welcomes you. We met smiling receptionists as we signed in. We had arrived about 45 minutes early, but were still sent immediately for his Mag-3 test.

First, Marek needed to get an IV. Marek was so upset. He cried so hard he actually had tears from both eyes..which was a first. Watching him cry set me into immediate tears. Poor Gregg was left to stay strong for the whole family. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without him!

Immediately after his IV was set Marek was able to have a bottle. Upset, and with a sore hand, he gladly took the comfort of the bottle. As soon as we finished we had to go in for the test. A catheter was inserted and he was placed on the table. I knew he would have to lay still for the test, but they were not kidding around about how still he needed to remain. Marek was strapped down and then taped down to keep his torso still while the images were taken. Marek likes to wiggle, kick, and stretch so being tied down was NOT a good experience. After about 15 minutes he settled and eventually snoozed for the final 15 minutes.

As the test ran, we could see the molecules collect into his kidneys. His right kidney continuously sent the molecules back out, but the left kidney remained full the entire test. Toward the end, I looked at Gregg and saw the realization in his face...his left kidney remained swollen and was not releasing the molecules. I tried to wipe my eyes quickly enough to fool Gregg into thinking I was okay, but as always he could tell how I felt. Once the test was finished, the catheter and IV were removed and we were on our way to see the urologist.

As we waited in the waiting room, I tried to stay positive but I felt sure surgery was imminent. I could SEE his kidney slowly drain...I could see how quickly his right kidney functioned while his left kidney seemed to struggle to keep up. Luckily Marek was keeping us sane with smiles and coos. Oh how I love that little man!

Finally the urologist called us back and began with the statement, "We have good news." I guarded myself as I thought he must either have a terrible sense of humor or had a grave misunderstanding of the word "good". He went into an explanation of the test results, including that his kidneys were both working at full capacity. He noted that his left kidney was draining much slower and remained swollen (4/4...the highest level), but that it was functioning well. The verdict: no surgery necessary.

The tears began to well up again. My baby would be okay! We have a follow-up in Savannah in three months, but for now we are safe. What a great day for the Swanson family!

We have the name of a great urologist in the area. We were warned that just because our current urologist felt okay forgoing surgery, the new urologist may want to "pull the trigger" (his words, not mine!) and go into surgery. Each urologist is different. He also said that some children need to be followed until two or three years old before the problem corrects itself or surgery is necessary.

So, not a total clean bill of health, but definitely great news none the less. Three months old, good news from the doctor, and continuing to grow so big. We are truly blessed :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Marriage Convalidation January 14, 2012

Last summer, Gregg and I started RCIA so we could get Confirmed in the Catholic Church. Both of us grew up in Catholic families, had completed Baptism and our First Communion, but neither of us had been Confirmed. As time passed, and Marek grew inside of me, I felt an even greater connection to the relationship I was building with God and the values we were setting for our home.

As our RCIA class began discussing Confirmation, we were told that we must have our marriage Convalidated before we could be Confirmed. Gregg and I were married with just our parents at a small bed and breakfast near Fort Rucker. Our minister, Cam, was a great man who officiated over our wedding. Well, as any good Catholic knows, you must also have your marriage recognized by the Church!

Father Butera let us know that the Convalidation could be as large, or intimate, as we wanted. We opted to have a very intimate setting. Our families had just flown to Alabama to meet Marek, we were still juggling doctor's appointments for Marek, and we knew we wanted to have the Convalidation about our personal relationship with God over all else.

Justin and Theresa were our witnesses for our small ceremony. Though it was quick, it was beautiful. Saying our vows again left us both near tears and having an almost private audience with our Priest as he blessed our marriage was extremely moving.

Now we have two wedding anniversaries to celebrate! Our first anniversary is June 25, 2010...the day we were married in the civil sense and  January 14, 2012...the date our marriage was officially Blessed.