Sunday, April 6, 2014

Les Mills Combat

After completing the Les Mills Combat program from Beachbody, I feel compelled to share it with others. This workout was TOUGH, but transformed my body (my shoulders, arms, and abs in particular).

Some background...
While G was deployed, I worked nearly 60 hours a week, so I did not have the time to go to the gym. As I waited for surgery, my knee felt progressively worse each day so I could not run with M in the stroller, bike, or use an elliptical. I searched for programs that incorporated upper body moves for cardio and had low-impact modifications. A friend told me about Les Mills Combat so I decided to give it a try.

I enlisted the help of a girlfriend who came over EVERY night after M went to bed so that we could keep each other motivated and accountable.

This was day 1:

 I still fit into my normal clothes, but noticed an extra layer of "fluff" creeping up around my waist. My normally toned body began to soften and I struggled to find ways to burn extra calories.

So, for 60 days we punched and kicked our ways through the high intensity interval workouts. The videos ranged from 30 - 60 minutes. One thing that I loved was that most videos were only 30 or 45 minutes (with warm up and stretch), so I had a high intensity workout that showed results without sacrificing hours I did not have each day.

The first few days I thought we were going to pass out or vomit. The workouts were TOUGH! I woke up with sore muscles and many times thought about quitting. Thank goodness for my friend who would still show up and make me complete another workout!

I could not bounce, jump, or kick my left leg, so I incorporated stepping (instead of jumping), slower lunges (instead of jumping lunges), and knee lifts (instead of kicks). Because of those modifications, I know I did not burn as many calories, but I was thankful to find a fitness program that made me sweat without causing additional knee pain.

After 60 days I saw noticeable results. I lost 4 lbs, 2% body fat, 5.5 inches (chest, waist, hips, and thigh). Even better than the numbers was the way I FELT after the workouts. I felt energized, confident, and strong.

I cannot say enough about this system (and no I am not a Beachbody distributor)! Now that my knee is healing and I have been cleared for plyometrics I see Les Mills Combat Round 2 in my future!

This is the best comparison I have. The change seen in my arms, shoulders, abs, and legs is the most apparent. This is after 60 days without changing any of my eating habits.

More about the program directly from the Beachbody website.

The secret is Fast Twitch Integration Training. LES MILLS COMBAT blasts your fast twitch muscle fibers—the ones with the greatest capacity for change—by taking the most dynamic moves from 6 unique mixed martial arts disciplines and combining them in increasingly intense sequences.
Burn up to 1,000 calories per hour.
You'll be doing Karate/Kung Fu, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do and Boxing—all in a single workout—and burning up to 1,000 calories per hour!