Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kidney Follow-Up - January 23, 2012

It has taken me a little while to update as life has begun to fly by. I am still working full-time, Gregg is still training, and we are preparing for a move at the end of February.

But...I know I need to update our family and friends! Forgive me all, this update is a little late, but luckily it contains some good news!

On January 23, 2012 we were back up to the Children's Hospital for Marek's kidney follow-up. A lot of praying (and a few tears) led up to our trip and as we woke up that morning we were hopeful but guarded.

The drive went by quickly and we had good weather as we traveled the 3 or so hours up to Birmingham. We pulled into the ever familiar parking garage and quickly whisked Marek out of the cold and into the hospital.

I can honestly say the Children's Hospital is filled with a great staff that always welcomes you. We met smiling receptionists as we signed in. We had arrived about 45 minutes early, but were still sent immediately for his Mag-3 test.

First, Marek needed to get an IV. Marek was so upset. He cried so hard he actually had tears from both eyes..which was a first. Watching him cry set me into immediate tears. Poor Gregg was left to stay strong for the whole family. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without him!

Immediately after his IV was set Marek was able to have a bottle. Upset, and with a sore hand, he gladly took the comfort of the bottle. As soon as we finished we had to go in for the test. A catheter was inserted and he was placed on the table. I knew he would have to lay still for the test, but they were not kidding around about how still he needed to remain. Marek was strapped down and then taped down to keep his torso still while the images were taken. Marek likes to wiggle, kick, and stretch so being tied down was NOT a good experience. After about 15 minutes he settled and eventually snoozed for the final 15 minutes.

As the test ran, we could see the molecules collect into his kidneys. His right kidney continuously sent the molecules back out, but the left kidney remained full the entire test. Toward the end, I looked at Gregg and saw the realization in his face...his left kidney remained swollen and was not releasing the molecules. I tried to wipe my eyes quickly enough to fool Gregg into thinking I was okay, but as always he could tell how I felt. Once the test was finished, the catheter and IV were removed and we were on our way to see the urologist.

As we waited in the waiting room, I tried to stay positive but I felt sure surgery was imminent. I could SEE his kidney slowly drain...I could see how quickly his right kidney functioned while his left kidney seemed to struggle to keep up. Luckily Marek was keeping us sane with smiles and coos. Oh how I love that little man!

Finally the urologist called us back and began with the statement, "We have good news." I guarded myself as I thought he must either have a terrible sense of humor or had a grave misunderstanding of the word "good". He went into an explanation of the test results, including that his kidneys were both working at full capacity. He noted that his left kidney was draining much slower and remained swollen (4/4...the highest level), but that it was functioning well. The verdict: no surgery necessary.

The tears began to well up again. My baby would be okay! We have a follow-up in Savannah in three months, but for now we are safe. What a great day for the Swanson family!

We have the name of a great urologist in the area. We were warned that just because our current urologist felt okay forgoing surgery, the new urologist may want to "pull the trigger" (his words, not mine!) and go into surgery. Each urologist is different. He also said that some children need to be followed until two or three years old before the problem corrects itself or surgery is necessary.

So, not a total clean bill of health, but definitely great news none the less. Three months old, good news from the doctor, and continuing to grow so big. We are truly blessed :)

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