Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So I guess I'm in Labor?!

After we got married, Gregg and I immediately began discussing when to start a family. We wanted some time to just be together, but we also wanted to start a family before he graduated from flight school and faced a possible deployment. After the holidays 2010 we decided to begin trying. April 4, 2011 I took a pregnancy test and SURPRISE! I was pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy I anxiously waited for my December 13, 2011 due date.

October 23, 2011 Gregg and I went to church and RCIA. After, we grabbed some lunch and went to take my maternity pictures. We stayed and chatted with our friend Blythe and returned home around dinner time. We ate and went for a couple mile walk as the weather was nice and warm. I felt great and silently thanked God that the third trimester was being so nice to me.

As I was getting ready for bed, I felt an odd sensation, almost like I had lost some water. Being naturally paranoid I reminded myself I was not even 33 weeks pregnant and that it was probably Marek hitting my bladder. I went to sleep and tried to not stress.

At around 2:30 am I felt another small gush of water. I was fast asleep, so I woke up wondering if I had actually lost water, or if Marek was again playing tricks on me. I began to get concerned and decided that I would go to work the next day, do my group counseling, and call the doctor. I began to have light cramps in my lower ab region...but they were not consistent and if I turned over they seemed to feel better. I thought these may be the beginnings of Braxton Hicks contractions and attempted to sleep.

Gregg woke up at 4 am to go to flight line. I told him goodbye and that I would call the doctor in the morning. I went back to bed and at 6 I had another gush. Since I was awake, I realized that this was not Marek and that something real may be happening. I called the doctor and he told me to come in that morning. I showered, got dressed, and at breakfast (in case I was wrong and had to go to work) but also packed a hospital bag (in case he was going to place me on bedrest). Just after 7am I began driving to his office. As I drove I realized the "cramps" were consistent...every 5 minutes! They really did not hurt but I thought I remember someone telling me I should go in if contractions were 10 minutes apart. I went to grab my cell phone to text Gregg and realized that I had left my cell on the coffee table. one to calm me down! Needless to say, I sped out to Dothan for my appointment.

The ultrasound tech called me back around 8:20 am to check my amniotic fluid. She told me all looked well and I had a good amount of fluid. Marek was doing well and had a good heart rate. She warned me that the doctor would also see me "just to check." I began to feel like maybe I had imagined everything, but knew that the cramping had concerned me.

Dr. Cleveland saw me around 8:30 am. He quickly started the exam...that only lasted about three minutes before he sat back and calmly told me, "You are between 4 1/2 and 5 cm dilated. We need to get you over to Labor and Delivery. You are going to have a baby today." I immediately burst into tears! I was 32 weeks and 6 days pregnant....I CAN'T go into labor! Am I ready? Will Marek be okay? What if he cannot breath? What if the labor is too much for him? WHAT IF HE DOESN'T MAKE IT?!

When I left the examination room I met Dr. Cleveland at the desk. He was writing my admission slip. I had calmed myself down, so I asked, "Do I just drive over to the admissions area?" He looked at me crazy for a I told him, "Um...I drove myself here. My husband is at the flight line." His nurse popped her head up and asked if I could get ahold of him. I told them that I had forgotten my cell phone. Dr. Cleveland's sat back and immediately asked if there was a Commander he could call. I told them Gregg's name, number, flight class, and the airfield that they fly out of. I took the admissions slip and prayed they could reach him.

I checked myself in at Admissions and called work to let them know I would not make it...for the next 7-12 weeks. Brandy, a friend from work, immediately asked about Gregg, got his number, and asked if I wanted her to come to the hospital. I did not want her to feel obligated, so I told her she could come if she wanted.

I was wheeled up to Labor and Delivery around 9:15 am. As I passed the desk, they told me that Dr. Cleveland's office had called, Gregg was contacted, and he was on his way. I was still worried, but felt grateful that Gregg would be there.

Brandy arrived by 9:45 am. She chatted with me until Gregg arrived around 10:00 am. At that time the contractions began to come twice as often and 10x as hard. The nurses refused to give me and epideral and told me to wait until Dr. Cleveland came during his lunch break. By 10:30 am the pressure began to drop more. The nurses continued to ignore my requests.

11:00 am arrives and I feel that I am actually holding Marek in. The nurse tells me that the doctor will be there within an hour, and that he will check me then. Brandy continues to go get the nurses until they finally check me (after sighing and rolling her eyes) at around 11:20 am. She informs me I am completely dilated and runs to get another nurse who also checks me and yes...I am still completely dilated. THEN they call the doctor.

Dr. Cleveland arrives around 11:40 am and begins to set up. At this time I am sure I am holding Marek in. I ask again for the epideral and that same nurse smiles slightly and says, "Oh, you are too far along now." She was lucky I was concentrating so hard on NOT having a baby or else I may have come off that table and smacked her!

Dr. Cleveland gave me a local around 11:45 am and I began to push. My labor was short, but wow...still intense! With each push I watched the monitor to see Marek's heart rate so I could ensure it was not dropping.

Marek arrived at 12:13 pm. He was 4 lbs 14 oz and 17 inches long.

After a long pause he began crying, but I kept asking the nurses if he was okay. They told me he was, but let me see him for maybe 30 seconds before rushing him to the nursery. My heart sank... does this mean there is something wrong? Does this mean they are concerned?

The doctor "fixed" me up and I was reunited with Gregg. He told me that Marek looked good and was in the nursery, and still breathing on his own. I tried to stay calm as Brandy was still there, but I couldn't help feeling in complete shock that not only did I just have a baby, but that my baby was not with me!

That evening we had the opportunity to see him through the glass. Still strong...still perfect...and still breathing on his own!

After a crazy day (and what felt like a spontaneous labor) I was a mom...and our hospital experience was just beginning!

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